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Images of Empowerment


Cloth vendor Deborah Yemoteley says that she grew up trading. "I was born here, I was brought up here," she says of Makola Market. She's able to recount the history of the market itself, including periods of destruction, building, and the market's growth over the past decades. Being a member of a wider movemen is critical to improving market conditions, Deborah says. Before, she explained, "we didn't have a voice...they [city government] could sack you from the market; they did things that weren't good." At the time, the market vendors weren't organized together to collectively respond and address these issues. Today, they are, and with women like Deborah at their lead. FULLY RELEASED - CONSENT NUMBER: ACC004


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Accra, Ghana

Photo Credit

Jonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment
